Rural Broadband Connectivity, Now!
Our families and businesses need reliable, fast, affordable internet – that’s why Congressman Jack Bergman is achieving and fighting for more connectivity than ever before.
Whether you need to schedule a telehealth appointment with your primary care provider, attend an online class, join a zoom conference, shop online for a big birthday, or start an online career - broadband access is more important than ever, especially in rural and remote communities which have been sidelined for too long.
As a member of the Bipartisan House Rural Broadband Caucus and having started a Rural Connectivity Advisory Committee in Michigan’s First Congressional District, Jack Bergman has been supporting key programs to bring high speed broadband to your Michigan home and business as well as to improve telehealth access across our Nation.
Congressman Bergman has voted to provide billions of dollars for broadband infrastructure reserved for rural and remote areas in Michigan’s First Congressional District.
For Fiscal Year 2021 alone, Congressman Bergman got more than $2 billion in broadband funds signed into law through programs such as the NTIA Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Grant Program and Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program. Congressman Bergman is advocating for local applicants seeking funds through these programs. He has helped achieve key local investments through these programs such as through the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants ($2.5 million + for MI-1) and the USDA ReConnect Broadband Grant/Loan Program ($3.5 million + for MI-1), a program that he voted to establish.
In 2020, with COVID-19 suddenly increasing the necessity of broadband, Rep. Bergman voted for nearly $3.5 billion in emergency broadband funding for telehealth, mapping, and keeping families connected.
Congressman Bergman has also been closely involved in more largescale broadband infrastructure programs operated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), including the new Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF). The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction results in 2021 yielded more than $200 million to build new broadband infrastructure to over 84,000 locations in MI-1. Jack Bergman, working with local providers receiving funding, has pressured the FCC to ensure these funds are implemented swiftly and efficiently.
Innovative Solutions
Congressman Bergman is leading legislative proposals to bridge the digital divide.
He has introduced bills such as:
H.R.4905 - the Big Tech Accountability for Broadband Act, which would force Big Tech companies to pay into key rural broadband programs that they benefit from. The programs targeted in this bill are currently by fees on your phone bill, a hidden tax on seniors and working families!
H.R.1610 - the Rural Broadband Window of Opportunity Act is another bill introduced by Jack Bergman, which would require the FCC to expedite and approve broadband funding application that would serve areas with shorter building seasons, such as areas prone to large snowfall. Anybody who has ever built anything in MI-1 knows that even a small delay before a long winter can be costly.
H.R.1362 - the BOOST Act.
This bill would offer a tax credit up to $400 for certain taxpayers to buy a broadband communications signal booster.
Veterans’ Champion in Congress
40 years in the Marine Corps and now in his capacity as a leader in the House Veterans Affairs Committee (HVAC), Congressman Bergman has committed his career in Congress to those who served and sacrificed to defend our Nation and our freedoms. He has built his record on tackling the hard issues from toxic exposure and mental health to care in the community and appeals reform.
Representing you on HVAC, Congressman Bergman has assumed leadership roles on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee and now as the Ranking Member of the Health Subcommittee. In these positions, Congressman Bergman is a fierce watchdog against waste, fraud and abuse – keeping VA’s eye focused on the Veteran as an individual with unique needs.
He uses his position on the Committee to get results for Veterans, including passing new laws to streamline education benefits and save money for servicemembers in boot camp (Public Law 116-315) as well as support and defend the integrity of veteran-owned small businesses (Public Law 116-183). Last Congress, Congressman Bergman spearheaded the national debate on Veterans’ suicide by achieving passage of his bill, the IMPROVE Wellbeing for Veterans Act (Public Law 116-17), a new VA community grant program to connect Veterans in and outside of the VA system with supportive services.
Right now, Congressman Bergman is working on critical new legislation to support Veterans’ Caregivers (H.R.4625 - VA Caregiver Transparency Act), conduct an independent assessment to audit VA’s health services (H.R.4626 - VA AIM Act), and to close various gaps in Veterans care (H.R.4624 - Guaranteeing Healthcare Access to Personnel Who Served (GHAPS) Act). Specifically, the GHAPS Act would allow Veterans to self-schedule appointments in the community, improve VA telehealth, protect access to community care, and ensure access to evidence-based care for Veterans with treatment-resistant depression.
Additional actions and achievements in Veterans policy for Congressman Bergman include:
Co-introducing comprehensive legislation to care for and provide benefits to all Veterans with toxic exposure (H.R.2127 - TEAM Act).
Lead the charge against the Biden VA’s attempts to pay for elective transgender surgeries with tax-payer dollars through letters and amendments.
Co-lead of the bipartisan Congressional Military Transition Assistance Pathway (MTAP) Caucus.
Passed legislation in the House to designate the Gaylord VA facility in the name of Navy Corspman Steve Andrews (H.R.1281).
Support for the American Producer
From the farmers, ranchers, and growers to the canners, marketers, and so on, Michigan’s First Congressional District is home to a vibrant agricultural community as well as our Nation’s smartest and hardest working producers. In order to unleash their full potential, Congressman Bergman believes the federal government should always stand as an ally – and never impose burdensome anti-growth regulations on the men and women who feed America.
Overcoming Challenges and Creating Opportunities
Congressman Bergman has been a fierce advocate for pro-agriculture policies, tirelessly having urged swift passage – through speeches, letters, and an Op-Ed in the Detroit News – of the United States - Mexico - Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA). With his help, the USMCA is now the law of the land, casting aside the historical unfair playing field for our farmers to ensure they can compete on an international level. With Michigan exporting billions of dollars worth of goods to Canada and Mexico each year, our state’s agriculture industry – such as our dairy farmers who previously struggled to access Canadian markets – have the groundwork to thrive.
Here in the Nation’s Cherry Capital, Congressman Bergman has led the continued battle against unfair trade practices, having worked with federal agencies and local industry stakeholders. For example, he led the Michigan congressional delegation in the fight against Turkey’s anti-competitive practice of dumping cheap, government subsidized product into our markets. To further support Michigan’s First District tart cherry industry, Congressman Bergman helped secure more than $60 million in surplus product purchases from USDA and advocated for cherry-specific pest research.
Congressman Bergman helped pass the critical H.R. 4996 - the Ocean Shipping Reform Act.
Congressman Bergman also helped establish the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) and achieved inclusion for cherry and apple growers in this farm-saving $16 billion direct payment program.
Additionally, Congressman Bergman is proud to fight for apple, dairy, potato, sugar, and the entire spectrum of products from Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Each sector and profession throughout our agricultural industry has unique needs, but one prevalent issue is guest labor. The H-2A program has proven to be costly and difficult to use for many employers, which is why Rep. Bergman is supporting legislation to tame skyrocketing wage rates through cosponsorship of H.R.5887 - Keep Food Local and Affordable Act of 2021.
Plowing Ahead
Congressman Bergman is able to run on a solid pro-producer, pro-agriculture, and pro-growth platform due to the incredible support and education he has received and continues to seek from Michigan’s First agricultural community. There is much work left to accomplish - including passing a new Farm Bill.
The first inalienable right described in the Declaration of Independence is the right to life, and the job of Congress is to protect our rights - not take them away. That includes the lives of those yet born.
Rather than treating pregnancy or children as a problem, we should work together to create a society that welcomes them into our communities with loving and open arms. We must remember that every person is a unique child of God, full of potential. As a member of Congress, Congressman Bergman has worked to protect the unborn and move the pro-life message forward.
Congressman Bergman is a Member of the Congressional Pro Life Caucus, and has cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 18). This legislation prohibits the use of federal funds for abortions or for health coverage that includes abortions.
Since coming to Congress, Congressman Bergman has also supported the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.1080) which bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. This legislation is widely supported throughout the First District and across the country.
Congressman Bergman has supported other important pro-life legislation, such as:
- The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: this legislation would protect a child born alive after surviving an abortion and require healthcare practitioners present to exercise the same care to preserve the life and health of the child as a non-aborted child who was premature.
- The Conscious Protection Act: this legislation would prohibit the federal government and state and local governments that receive federal financial assistance for health-related activities penalizing or discriminating against a health care provider based on the provider's refusal to be involved in, or provide coverage for, abortion.
- H.R. 243, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act of 2021.
- H.R. 28, the Protecting Life in Crisis Act of 2021.
As someone who was personally involved in the fight to defend our country from terrorism, Congressman Bergman knows what the military needs to defeat our enemies. He has seen the horrors of war and understands that, under the Constitution, the most important vote a member of Congress can make is whether or not to send our troops into battle.
He is fully committed to only support the use of troops when it is absolutely necessary. When the threat requires the deployment of our military, Congressman Bergman will ensure that our troops are trained and equipped to win decisively and return home to their families.
Thomas Jefferson once said, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.” He was right! The government monopoly on education for a large portion of Americans is a tragedy and should be viewed as the modern civil rights issue of our time. We need to offer education reform that supports more choice in education, from public schooling to home schooling. Everyone in the United States deserves a great education.
Border security is National Security.
We are a welcoming Nation, but we are a Nation of rule of law. While we must continue being generous, we should never allow it for people who intend to do us harm or who violate our immigration laws.
It's past time to secure our Southern Border.
Congressman Bergman has supported important policies to secure our border and put our Country first.
He cosponsored legislation to address the current crisis and some of its root causes, such as H.R.88 - the BUILD WALL Act of 2021, which would use assets seized from Mexican cartels to build further border security infrastructure.
He sponsored H.R. 894 – No Tax Breaks for Sanctuary Cities Act to revoke the tax exemption for bonds issued by jurisdictions which refuse to comply with immigration enforcement.
Congressman Bergman cosponsored H.R.1901 – Fix Immigration Loopholes Act, which would both disincentivize illegal immigration by increasing the integrity of our Nation’s asylum process and also protect children from becoming human trafficking victims by ensuring they are processed efficiently to be quickly and safely returned home and only released to a parent or legal guardian.
In 2019, Rep. Bergman supported an additional $1.9 billion for border wall and security funding.
We live where we do for a reason. This land that we call home is the most beautiful place in all of our nation, and we cannot allow our Natural Resources to be damaged. That is why I have successfully led the fight to ensure that all Great Lakes funding remain in place since taking office. I have fought to ensure a plan is in place to stop Asian carp from entering our Great lakes, and have introduced legislation to effectively control the Cormorants that are devastating our fish population. Through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, I helped secure the largest investment in the Great Lakes in over two decades — ensuring we protect our most important resource for generations to come.
According to CDC more than 1 million people died since 1999 from a drug overdose and more than 75% of drug overdose deaths in 2021 involved an opioid.
This is not a simple problem and there are no simple solutions, but Congress must take a comprehensive approach to target every factor in this issue. I will continue to engage with various groups in our communities so I can effectively address the issues specific to Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.
Jack Bergman is a retired member of the United States Marine Corps. The use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, or the Department of Defense.
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